Diversity Days, Multi-Cultural Fairs, International Festivals
One of the objectives of Diversity Days, Multi-Cultural Fairs, International Festivals, etc., is to introduce students to a wider range of knowledge and experience than they are likely to encounter within their school and home environments. This exposure helps prepare them to succeed in a society that is becoming more diverse each year.
The program’s multi-disciplinary approach challenges students to develop research methodologies and to participate in collaborative team projects. The “Student Research Project” draws upon what students have learned, are learning or will learn in other classes and calls for them post their findings to a “Wall of Knowledge”.
These research activities help students discover, recognize and acknowledge the achievements, contributions and travails of a wide range of ethnic groups. Such exposure helps prepare students to succeed in a society that is becoming more diverse each year. As a by-product students will show significant improvements in many other developmental skills.
Adding ethnic dance programs to multi-cultural events introduces elements of fun, experiential learning and healthy exercise and provides a different approach for students to learn the usual academic subjects. Furthermore, these programs supplement learning across multiple disciplines including: history, geography, social studies, art, music and physical education.
Ethnic dance programs also provide students with opportunities to interact in wholesome ways and to perform a service for the school and the community.
- Program Formats
- 1-Day Multi-Cultural Fair Program - In the morning and early afternoon prior to the event the EDC2 instructor teaches three or four classes in preparation for a school assembly program or Multi-Cultural Fair presentation.
- Each class learns between three and four dances, with one or two of the dances being common to all classes.
- At the end of the day, each class performs its unique dances to the assembly.
- All classes perform the common-core dances to close the program.
- 1-Week Multi-Cultural Festival Program - In the week prior to the performance, the EDC2 instructor teaches five to six classes over four or five days in preparation for an extended school assembly program.
- Each class learns between three and six dances, with two or more of the dances being common to all classes.
- On the last day, each class performs selected unique dances at a school assembly and/or at a Multi-Cultural Fair or International Festival.
- In between class presentations, pairs of classes perform one or more of the common-core dances.
- All classes perform one or two of the common core dances to close the program.
- Parents, families and relatives are invited to attend and may be invited to join in one or more of the closing dances.
- One-Quarter or Six-Month Residency Program -
The EDC2 instructor teaches five to six classes for one day per month for 3 or 6 months in conjunction with developing a sustained in-school or after-school ethnic dance program. At the end of the term, each class performs selected unique dances at a school assembly and/or at a Multi-Cultural Fair or International Festival.
- In between class presentations, pairs of classes perform one or more of the common-core dances.
- All classes perform one or two of the common core dances to close the program.
- Parents, families and relatives are invited to attend and may be invited to join in one or more of the closing dances.
- Types of Clients
- Clients have included: public and parochial primary and secondary schools.
- Types of Events
- Multi-Cultural Days, Multi-Cultural Weeks, Multi-Cultural Fairs, International Festivals, School Assemblies.